On June 7th, they discovered a tumor on my 2nd eldest daughter, Kim's lung. She's 19.
After much testing etc...we were told on July 6th that she has Stage 2 Hodgkin's Lymphoma.
She must undergo two more tests to make sure it's not higher then the Stage 2, one being a Bone Marrow Biopsy, to make sure the cancer hasn't entered into her bone marrow.
In honor of my daughter, and to help her with costs that are not covered, and her bills as she will be unable to work until all treatments are finished (approx 6 months), I am working with
some very kind and generious designers who offered to help out by contirbuting to make this a mega kit
which will be sold both here on my blog, The Creativity Box, and My Scrap Store.
If you would like to help by contributing to the kit, please email me at: eal.designs2@gmail.com
Below is the colour palette chosen as Violet is the colour for Hodgkin's Lymphoma Awarenss
and Green is for Lymphoma Awareness.
I'd like it to not just be about awareness, but to be something anyone can use as well, upbeat, and positive.
The name of the kit is: Courage, Strength, and Love - Tools to fight
(as the doctors said this is what she'll need to fight and beat this)
It will be a Hodgkin's Lymphoma Awareness kit, with so much more so that anyone can use it.

Also if you could send up some prayers for Kim, we'd really appreciate it, as we believe in the power of prayer.
Thanking you in advance
Lisa/EAL Designs
Hi sweetie!
I just sent you an email!
God Bless you all
Sweetie, I am so sorry to hear this. My prayers will be with you and i would like to make something for your kit I will email you after this comment.....
I'll be praying for your family and I will send over an email about joining in the kit also...
I was going stop by stop catching on the Blog Train "Picnic In The Park" when I stumble upon JICcreation Blog.
I'm no designer but I had Hodgkin's lymphoma myself in 2008.
I hope the bone marrow will come back negatif as if so all will be good !!!
They gave me what the "Standford" treatment3,4 months plus 1 month radiation ... and I've been cancer free since then.
The American Cancer Society in association with the Lymphoma society helped me pay for the copay of the medical visites and the "at home" meds. They also have transportation programs as well as support groups ... If your doctor hasn't refered you to all thoses programs, you might want to contact your local American Cancer Society chapter ...
Also, I did continued working during treatment but cut down on hoours some what: it was nice to keep active and keep the mind occupited. But did took 1 month of disability at the end of the treatment ...
So hang in there, keep your chin up, be positive, happy and SMILE ... Everything will be fine ;-)
All my heart is with you.
If you want feel like talking, here is my email: sunflower.butterfly@gmail.com
Bless you !!!
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