I love this picutre, it's of my 2nd eldest, Kimberly, she actually took it herself with her cell phone.
Made with paper from Colie's Corner, Scarlet Night p2, the black heart corners are from Digiscraps.de, A day of Love kit, it was their freebie of the month for February. **I've tried the link that was there in the preview isn't working. The tripple hearts I made myself in psp using the paper and shapes
Lisa, I love this!!! Such a pretty layout, and beautiful daughter!!
This is lovely! I like how you wrote in the hearts!
(from blushbutter yahoo group :) )
Enjoying all of your layouts.. amazing that you are just starting out.. you seem like a veteran digiscrap-aholic!
Such a rich layout! Great work!
uh oh, looks like you've caught the digi scrapping bug well and truly! Blog looks great keep it up :)
wow fabulous!
How utterly lovely! That is such a gorgeous photo, and your layout is stunning.
Oh wow! I cant believe she took that pic herself! It turned out great!!
Avery rich looking layout! Nice photo! My daughter does the same thing all the time . . . either with a camera or the web cam on her computer! It's amazing the shots they can get of themselves!
Lisa girl- now you had me in stitches!!! Oh I could just picture the whole story as I was reading it! LOL- smelly fish is another story ALTOGETHER!!! ROTFLMAO Thanks for the giggle and your LO's are AWESOME- beautiful daughter with a great name(LOL)..
Lisa.. Thanks so much for stopping by my site.. and I have say I love your layouts and things.. GREAT JOB:) Thank you for sharing your Mouse and Cat story with me.. I have often thought about buying a Cat.. but hubby thinks he is allergic to cats. Although he has never showed any symptoms over the years to our friends cats. LOL I just dont think he wants another mouth to feed. LOL :) HUGS and again... thank you! ;)
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